Tuesday, May 13, 2008

She's here!

I know this has taken almost a week for me to do but Ellie is finally here and we have pictures!

On Thursday morning I started having contractions but they weren't to bad so I went and finished my exams and folded some clothes and I even spot cleaned the carpet in our living room. We went to the hospital aorund 2:30 that afternoon. By then I was almost 7 centimeters. Thankfully Megan came and took Dawson for us. (Such a life saver!) Things progressed normally from there. We decided to speed things up a bit and we broke my water around 8:30...then everything nearly stopped. But after some medications, my contractions came back and Eloise Michelle Brannon entered the world at 11:52 on May 8th weighing 7 pounds, 1 ounce and 19 1/4 inches long!!

We are really glad to have her here. And thank you so much for everyone who came and visited us and has brought us meals. You guys are truely a blessing! Dawson has really taken to Ellie too. He knew exactly who she was when they brought her in the room. He said "There Ellie, I lub you" So sweet! He tries holding her all the time and loves to sing to her.

We'll post more later but enjoy the pictures of our newest member!


Elizabeth said...

Congratulations!!!!! She is beautiful!!!

The Loden's said...

I have been checking like everyday!! I am so glad everything went well and you got to finish your finals. Congrats!!

Miranda said...

Yay!!! I was wondering when you'd be up to posting something. I'm glad she's here and you both are doing well. And YAY! on finishing you're exams! Dawson is so cute. I hope he will always 'lub' her that much. ;o)

Kira Jay said...

Contratulations! She is cute and she shares my birthday with me! I'm glad you were able to finish your finals before her arrival!