Monday, December 8, 2008

7 months!

Ellie is now 7 months old as of today. I can't believe my little girl is that old. Here are a few things that she is doing.....

Sitting up by herself

She has one tooth and a few more on there way

Smile, laugh, giggle

Blow baby bubbles

Feed herself toast/crackers

Pick up her toys and play with them

Make really cute noises when she awakes even though she gets up at 5 in the morning..

Sleeps from 8-5 during the night

Loves playing with her big brother and laughs constantly at him (is that a good thing?)

And the biggest one of all......she's crawling!!! She has been army crawling for weeks now and even had a few days when she would do an inch worm crawl. She would tuck her legs under her, stick her butt straight up in the air and slide forward on her arms. But now she has been crawling on her hands and knees for a few days. She's still a little wobbly and can only go about 3-4 feet before she falls but we can count it right?

We are so glad to have Ellie in our home. She is a wonderful little girl. Happy 7 months princess!!