Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I know it's been a while since we've posted anything on our blog. Can I blame it on having another child around now? Things have been busy with adjusting to our now 4 month old ( I can't belive she's that old!) and with school starting again. I always have such a hard time with getting into classes. Apprently I can't fill paper work out very well because this is the second semester I had to start late because I answered one question wrong, the same one I messed up last semester. But after a while and the school getting shut down for the hurricane, I've finally started classes.

The kids are wonderful. Dawson is so independent. He likes to dress himself and pick out his own clothes. He has this yellow tank top he loves to wear and I have to sneak it away during his bath so I can wash it. I don't know why he likes it so much but he would wear it every day if I let him. And he loves Ellie. I don't think she cares all that much for him but he loves to hug on her and kiss her all the time. Sometimes she will smile and laugh at him but more than not she gives him "the look". He doesn't like her to sleep. He'll yell "Ellie, wake up!" if she falls asleep in someone's lap. Poor girl, she better get use to it though. Ellie rolls over and smiles and even laughs now. I have enjoyed having her around so much. It's not as different as I thought it would be.

I'll have lots of pictures to put up later this week but I thought I would catch everyone up!